Once a pre-shared key is configured, it is encrypted, and you cannot see it in the running configuration. It is displayed as *******.
pixfirewall#show running-config
</>Cryptochecksum: 1b6862ce 661c9155 ff13b462 7b11c531
: Saved: Written by enable_15 at 00:38:35.188 UTC Fri Feb 16 2007
!PIX Version 7.2(2)
hostname pixfirewalldomain-name default.domain.invalidenable password 8Ry2YjIyt7RRXU24 encrypted
interface Ethernet0
nameif inside security-level 100
ip address
crypto isakmp policy 1
authentication pre-share
encryption des
hash md5
group 2 lifetime 86400
!--- Output is suppressed.
tunnel-group mytunnel type ipsec-ra
tunnel-group mytunnel general-attributes
default-group-policy myGROUP
tunnel-group mytunnel ipsec-attributes
pre-shared-key *
telnet timeout 5ssh timeout 5
Use any of the solutions in this section to solve the problem.
Solution 1
In order to recover a pre-shared key in the VPN configuration, issue the more system:running-config command. This command shows the pre-shared key in clear-text format.
pixfirewall#more system:running-configCryptochecksum: 1b6862ce 661c9155 ff13b462 7b11c531:
Saved: Written by enable_15 at 00:38:35.188 UTC Fri Feb 16 2007!
PIX Version 7.2(2)!hostname pixfirewall
domain-name default.domain.invalid
enable password 8Ry2YjIyt7RRXU24 encryptednames!
interface Ethernet0
nameif inside security-level 100
ip address
crypto isakmp policy 1
authentication pre-share
encryption des
hash md5
group 2
lifetime 86400
!--- Output is suppressed.
tunnel-group mytunnel type ipsec-ra
tunnel-group mytunnel general-attributes
default-group-policy myGROUP
tunnel-group mytunnel ipsec-attributes
pre-shared-key cisco
telnet timeout 5ssh timeout 5
Solution 2
Copy your configuration to a TFTP server. This is needed because once the configuration is sent to the TFTP server, the pre-shared key appears as clear text (instead of ******** , as in the show run command).
Issue this command in order to copy your configuration to a TFTP server:
ASA#write net [[tftp server_ip]:[filename]]:
ASA#copy running-config tftp:
Once the file is saved on the TFTP server, you can open it with a text editor and view the passwords in clear text.
pixfirewall#copy running-config tftp:Source filename [running-config]?Address or name of remote host []? filename [running-config]?Cryptochecksum: 1b6862ce 661c9155 ff13b462 7b11c531!3312 bytes copied in 0.420 secs
Text Editor View
Refer to the
write net section of the Cisco Security Appliance Command Reference in order to learn more about this command.
Solution 3
In order to get the clear text of the pre-shared key, access the PIX/ASA through HTTPS.
Create a username/password to get the access of the PIX/ASA configuration.
pix(config)#username username password password
In order to enable the security appliance HTTP server, use the http server enable command in global configuration mode. In order to disable the HTTP server, use the no form of this command.
hostname(config)#http server enable
In order to specify hosts that can access the HTTP server internal to the security appliance, use the http command in global configuration mode. In order to remove one or more hosts, use the no form of this command. In order to remove the attribute from the configuration, use the no form of this command without arguments.
hostname(config)#http outside
Use the username/password to login to the PIX/ASA using the browser as this example shows.
Solution 4
The configuration can also be uploaded to an FTP server. This is the command:
ASA#copy running-config ftp:<url>
ASA#copy run
Source filename [running-config]?
Address or name of remote host []?
Destination filename [running-config]?
Cryptochecksum: 1b6862ce 661c9155 ff13b462 7b11c531!3312 bytes copied in 1.120 secs (3312 bytes/sec)